MKU student Faith Musembi found dead after parents failed to pay Sh20,000 ransom

Faith Musembi, a 19-year-old student at Mount Kenya University (MKU), is believed to have been killed on Wednesday night. 

Her lifeless body was discovered by her father in her rented room at Pilot Estate in Hospital Ward, Thika. 

Mr. Boniface Musembi, her grieving father, revealed to the press that they received a call demanding a ransom of Ksh.20,000 for their daughter's release, with the caller using her phone. Despite sending the money and reporting the incident to Thika Police Station, the authorities dismissed it as a ploy by the deceased, her friends, or her boyfriend. 

Dissatisfied with the police response, Mr. Musembi sought help from MKU to locate his daughter, spending the night at the university.

The following morning, he found her residence locked and received no response when calling out her name, only to discover her lifeless body inside. He blames the police for their inaction, believing that if they had acted promptly, his daughter could have been saved from her killers. 

An autopsy revealed that she died from excessive bleeding caused by a detached placenta. The family is urging authorities to swiftly investigate the murder and bring all responsible parties to justice in honor of their beloved daughter.